Tag: Cybersecurity


The Necessity of Conducting Penetration Testing and Being Ready for Cybersecurity Challenges

The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, especially in our digital age, where information flows seamlessly across networks and systems. As technology advances, there has been a rise in cyber-attacks by cybercriminals who exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, espionage, or simple malicious intent. Amidst this evolving cyber threat landscape, penetration testing has emerged as an


🌐 “Cybersecurity Feast: Preparing the Food Industry for NIS2” 🍽️

If you’re in the cybersecurity game, you’ve probably heard the rumblings of the European Union’s Network and Information Security Directive, aka NIS2. It’s like a digital hurricane sweeping through every nook and cranny of industries, sparing none, not even the culinary realm. With the compliance clock ticking down, it’s high time for the food industry’s


Hey there, Savvy Business Owners!

Listen up because I’m about to drop some serious knowledge bombs on you in the world of cybersecurity. In this digital jungle we call the internet, staying safe isn’t just an option; it’s an absolute necessity. I mean, come on, we’re living in an era where information is flowing faster than a cheetah chasing its


Cyberattacks Are Spiking. Colleges Are Fighting Back.

The message, emailed to thousands of students and employees at the University of Colorado’s Boulder campus last week, was alarming. Their personal information, including addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, academic progress reports, and financial documents, had been stolen, and their university was refusing to cooperate with extortion demands. As a result, the data was starting to be posted on the dark web, the shadowy back channel of the internet where cybercriminals lurk.


Extortion of therapy patients in Finland shakes culture of privacy

Katleena Kortesuo wasn’t completely unprepared when the extortionist known as “RANSOM_MAN” got in touch with her last October.


Are web browsers finally shifting their focus to security and privacy?

The web browser market has come a long way since the early days of Internet Explorer on Windows 95.The likes of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox has grown almost exponentially over the years. Today there are many flavors of web browsing one can experience. But when it comes to security, not every browser falls in an equal place.So, it is important to know what different web browsers are doing to tackle security and what you can do to upgrade your fortress.


What we should know about DDoS attacks?

By now most of aren’t strangers to cyber-attacks. Even if you have never fallen victim you would have seen plenty of news surfing the digital space on how company systems get compromised each day. Out of these attacks, Dos or DDoS is a regular term that keeps popping up. What do these terms mean? How does one protect themselves from these type of attacks? Here’s what you need to know.


Is Zoom safe?

Following lockdowns and work from home protocols across the world, there’s one software that’s seen a boom in the past month. Zoom reportedly grew X since XY. But you probably knew that already. After all, it was hard to avoid people posting screenshots of their zoom conversations all over social media. As such, it should also come as no surprise that Zoom is raising some serious security questions.