Author: C-YBER


Is Zoom safe?

Following lockdowns and work from home protocols across the world, there’s one software that’s seen a boom in the past month. Zoom reportedly grew X since XY. But you probably knew that already. After all, it was hard to avoid people posting screenshots of their zoom conversations all over social media. As such, it should also come as no surprise that Zoom is raising some serious security questions.


Hackers Created Thousands of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Related Sites As Bait

As the world comes to grips with the coronavirus pandemic, the situation has proven to be a blessing in disguise for threat actors, who’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to target victims with scams or malware campaigns.


What Are JSON Injections

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format used to communicate between applications. It is similar to XML but simpler and better suited to be processed by JavaScript.


7 Steps to Avoid Uncoordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

Imagine the following situation. You work as a security manager for a company that owns the website One day, your sales department receives an email from an unknown individual. The sales department forwards it to you. The email has the following content:


Session Hijacking and Other Session Attacks

Session IDs are a tasty treat for malicious hackers. Once an attacker gets their hands on a session ID, they can get unauthorized access to a web application and fully impersonate a valid user. In general, there are three primary methods to obtain a valid session ID:


What is fleeceware and why should you care?

Malware. Adware. Ransomware. So many “wares” thrown around these days in the world of cybersecurity. The latest addition to this list is known as ‘fleeceware’. The term was coined by UK cybersecurity firm Sophos in September 2019. This was following the firm’s discovery of a new type of financial fraud on the Google Play Store.


Beefing up your security for 2020

It’s the dawn of a new decade. As we look to a year of promise and excitement, its probably a good idea to pay a bit more attention to cybersecurity. Most of our modern activities revolve around technology. It makes sense to take security a bit more seriously. So, here’s a list of things you could look to implementing to upgrade your security experience in 2020.


What are bug bounty programs and why should corporates care about them?

You might have heard of it before and might not be sure what it’s about exactly. But bug bounty programs remain an important and effective part of cybersecurity, particularly for companies. So what is a bug bounty program? How does one help cybersecurity? Here’s what you need to know.